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  • Writer's pictureTvisha Kotadia

Theory on Motivation

Out of ability, intelligence, and money, motivation is the true indicator of triumph. Though, no matter what goals we established for ourselves, achieving them is where our efforts are truly tested. I find that as humans, we are naturally drawn to the simpler option that often produces average results. Even so, we strive to correct ourselves in hopes to boost motivation.

Why Do You Lose Motivation?

Motivation can most commonly be lost from a decrease in self-esteem. With school and work, we often compare ourselves to our peers and this may cause one to feel as if you are not capable of achieving excellence. This may not even be something one may realize as it can be buried into your subconscious mind, but it commonly can be the thing that influences one’s desire to work. Loss in esteem can also come from feeling like you have a poor lifestyle, are you're not able to present yourself nicely, or by not having a strong support system.

How To Stay Motivated

Knowing that we are drawn to simpler tasks and options, we can take advantage of this knowledge to raise ourselves into doing higher tasks. Let’s say you have a big essay due in two days and you haven’t even started. Instead of waiting till the very last minute and turning in something you’re not completely proud of, give yourself the bare minimum to do now. So, just write the introduction, but make sure that this introduction you write is perfect and something you won’t be bothered to fix later. Now that you’re done with the introduction, don’t even think about it because it’s no longer an issue. After that, access how you're feeling; do you have it in you to write another paragraph or are you gonna force yourself to do it and write a subpar piece? Never waste precious time to attempt something you're not proud of, as this will only lead to a drastic loss in motivation. Work when you have a clear head and truly believe that you are capable of achieving perfection. This also doesn’t mean avoiding work, just space out the time in a way that you feel less pressured.


Self-esteem can be a big game-changer when it comes to motivation. If you are not feeling your best, it will most certainly impact your work. Dressing in a way that makes you feel confident and in charge is a great way to start. There’s no need to be outrageous but wear something that makes you feel good. Another way to boost confidence is taking positive feedback from others. Having others check your work and praise you on the things you did well is perfect for helping you feel motivated to work harder. Even considering any admiration you were given in the past will put you on the right track.


Motivation comes and goes, therefore it’s important to understand what you need to do to push yourself. Even though some may not show it, everyone needs some motivation to keep them going, so it’s key that we motivate others too. Supporting others in their projects or simply providing a compliment here and there can make a difference in how a person views their work and can inspire something unforgettable.

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